Alpharetta Methodist Church, Inc.
Wi-Fi Internet Access Terms of Service

Alpharetta Methodist Church, Inc. (“AM”) is pleased to provide Wi-Fi access to its congregation and visitors. However, usage of this WiFi access should be in accordance with the theology and traditions of the United Methodist Church and dictated by a solid faith in Jesus Christ. By accepting the Terms of Service and accessing the AM wireless network, you acknowledge that you are of legal age, that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the Terms of Service. If you are not of legal age, you acknowledge that your parent or guardian has accepted the Terms of Service and that they agree to take responsibility for your actions.

(*) The AM wireless network is provided by AM and is provided at the sole discretion of AM. Your access to the AM wireless network may be blocked, suspended or terminated at any time and for any reason. Additionally, no warranty of service availability is implied, and you agree that AM is not liable for any damages, loss or claims resulting from a lack of Wi-Fi availability or the quality of the Wi-Fi service provided.

(*) The AM wireless network is not encrypted. It is recommended that you not use the AM wireless network for connecting to web sites or applications that require transmission of passwords, credit card numbers or other sensitive information. If you choose to do so, you do so at your own risk.

(*) You agree not to use the AM wireless network for any purpose that is unlawful or otherwise prohibited and that you are fully responsible for your use. Additionally, you agree not to violate any copyright laws or engage in any offensive behavior including, but not limited to, defamation, theft, fraud, harassment or access to and dissemination of “adult material.” In consideration for your access to the AM wireless network, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless AM from all damages, loss or claims which arise from your use thereof.

(*) The AM wireless network is provided “as is” without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. Additionally, AM as the provider, is not liable for wrongful acts by any user or for any user damages resulting from the use of the AM wireless network.

(*) AM does use firewall technology to prohibit inappropriate material and does monitor network usage. If illegal activity or activity that is in violation of the Terms of Service is detected, AM will report those activities to the appropriate authorities including the parents or guardians of minor children. Further, AM will abide by any legally binding request from a legitimate legal authority as it relates to disclosure or discovery of activity, content, usage, IP address information or any other non-privileged data stored in or available through access to the AM wireless network.