Our Vision: For all students to become believers in Jesus and live out their faith in their daily lives, by loving God, loving others and sharing their faith throughout their lives.

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The purpose of the Alpharetta Methodist Students (AMS) program, for 6th-12th graders, is to help students answer these 3 main questions:

  • Who am I?
  • Where do I fit?
  • What difference can I make?

These questions can be shortened to identity, belonging and purpose, and we answer those questions in this way:

  • Who am I? Child of God
  • Where do I fit? Family of God
  • What difference can I make? Servant of God

By teaching Biblical truths and spiritual rhythms, students will experience the love of God. We will then compliment that with opportunities for students to love others. Through this process, we believe students will be able to achieve the vision we have for all Alpharetta Methodist Students.