A church wedding is a service of worship and, consequently, a religious ceremony celebrating the unity of man and woman in the presence of God. All preparations should be made with this in mind.

Your first step:

Please contact the Alpharetta Methodist Events Coordination Office to check the availability of our church on the date you’d like your wedding ceremony.

Either the bride or groom, or their respective parents, must be an active member of Alpharetta Methodist Church for a least 2 years prior to scheduling the wedding in order to qualify for member fees.

To learn more about weddings at Alpharetta Methodist or to schedule your ceremony, contact our Events Coordination Office.

A Recommendation

I want you to know how much I appreciate everything that you did to make Stephanie’s wedding such a sweet experience! Since learning that her home church was booked, I was sad that she wouldn’t be married where she grew up. But God is so good! Never once did my heartstrings tug at me while at Alpharetta Methodist! It was more than a beautiful building….I truly felt the presence of our Lord filling the Sanctuary. I am certain that Stephanie and Zach were meant to be married there. You were so gracious to all, and my heart is full of love and appreciation for you! Thank you for everything.


Are you an Alpharetta Methodist member who would like to serve on the Wedding Guild?