Caring for people in times of need

When life is especially difficult and you need a little extra support, we are here to offer kindness, compassion and help through support groups and individual counseling.

support groups
Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous groups meet regularly at Alpharetta Methodist. AA is a good and honest place to begin dealing with the role alcohol plays in your life.

Groups that meet in Mod B, located at the back of the Cumming Street parking lot (near the Hope House).
  • Sunday, 4-5 p.m.: Alpha Females AA
  • Monday-Saturday, 7-8:30 a.m.: AA Morning Meeting
  • Monday-Saturday, 12-1 p.m.: AA Noon Unity Group Meeting
  • Monday, Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 p.m.: Alpha Females AA
  • Thursday, 6-9 p.m.: AA Thursday Nights
  • Saturday, 10-11 a.m.: AA Big Book Study
Meeting in room 225, in the main building.
  • Tuesday/Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m.: AA Miracles Within Women’s Meeting

Learn more about Alcoholics Anonymous.

For more information about AA meetings at Alpharetta Methodist, contact Congregational Care Associate Pastor Rev. Terri Henkel or call the church office at 770-475-5576.


Next class TBA. (Dates will be published here.)

DivorceCare helps women and men who are separated or divorced process and share the many emotions they have experienced. It is a time for healing with people who have been through similar situations. Open to men and women who are experiencing or have experienced separation and/or divorce.

Learn more about DivorceCare and other classes offered in the area.

To learn more about DivorceCare meetings at Alpharetta Methodist, contact Rev. Terri Henkel or call the church office at 770-475-5576.


Nar-Anon is a worldwide fellowship for those affected by someone else’s addiction. As a 12-step self-help program, we offer our help by sharing our experience, strength and hope.

Nar-Anon is open to anyone who wishes to attend.

Nar-Anon groups meet online. For more information, please contact Beth (678-448-2546) or Karen (404-403-7958).

Caring for Caregivers Spouse Support Group

This group is open to men and women in the church and community to support each other as they care for spouses with dementia, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease, or debilitating brain injuries. All shared information is confidential, and each person respects others as they share their situations and their needs.

The exchange of information and ideas — such as new articles, doctors, home care, websites and other valuable information — is helpful for everyone. Recommended books are shared, as well. This group is a lifeline for those dealing with a spouse and their disease, and it helps caregivers to realize they are not alone and that others understand and care.

For more information and the meeting schedule, please contact Rev. Terri Henkel.


Wednesdays, Sept. 11 – Dec. 4
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Register here.

If you’ve lost someone close to you, years ago or just recently, we have a place for you to find support. GriefShare is a special weekly support group for people grieving the death of someone close. It’s a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At GriefShare, you’ll learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life, and you’ll connect with others who understand and care about what you are going through. $20 for materials.

Learn more about GriefShare and other class offerings in the area.

For more information about GriefShare at Alpharetta Methodist, contact Congregational Care Associate Pastor Rev. Terri Henkel or call the church office at 770-475-5576.

congregational care

These ministries offer encouragement, practical support and prayer for people in need. We have a network of people dedicated to meet the spiritual, emotional, physical and relational needs of our congregation and community.

Angel Ministry

Handmade angels can be a powerful tool to help remind people in need that God loves them and is with them in times of need. Angels are available just outside the Sanctuary balcony entrance. Please feel free to pick one up and share it with someone who is in need. Learn more about the Angel Ministry, contact John or Sherri Tanner.

Care Notes

CareNotes are written for people dealing with intensely emotional situations who are looking for concise, easy-to-read guidance and support. The booklets offer strength, help and healing for those who are hurting.

College Care Packages

Alpharetta Methodist sends care packages to college students who are members of the church to offer encouragement and support. You can help by collecting donations, mailing packages, or signing up your college student. For information contact Catherine Dozier.

Flower Ministry

When flowers from the altar or narthex or a wedding are designated for shut-ins, volunteers make smaller arrangements and take them to area hospitals, nursing homes, and personal care facilities. They also deliver the arrangements to homebound members of our church. To learn more or volunteer with the Flower Ministry, contact Deanna Jakubecy.

Reserve a Sunday
to provide flowers for the altar:

Contact Sarah Humber.

Funeral Guild

The Funeral Guild is a group of volunteers who support families experiencing a loss by arranging a place to gather for fellowship after a funeral service. Members of the Funeral Guild set out food dropped off by friends or provide light refreshments. They work with families to display photos and memorabilia in the narthex and at the reception. The Funeral Guild’s objective is to lovingly help people on one of their most difficult days. To learn more or volunteer, contact Congregational Care Associate Pastor Rev. Terri Henkel.


HEROES Care is an affiliation of program partners working together to provide support to military families in the communities where they live. HEROES Care combines the power of national organizations dedicated to providing emergency financial aid, employment opportunities and mental health care services through a network of specially trained care givers before, during and after deployment. To learn more about HEROES Care at Alpharetta Methodist or to volunteer, contact Congregational Care Associate Pastor Rev. Terri Henkel.

Homebound Visitation

Volunteers visit assisted living facilities, hospitals or private homes to serve as a loving presence and show God’s love to people in need of company and care. For information, contact Congregational Care Associate Pastor Rev. Terri Henkel.


The LIFT-Full Ministry provides transportation on the church buses for residents of area assisted living communities. For information, contact Congregational Care Associate Pastor Rev. Terri Henkel.

Prayer Beads

Prayer beads can offer structure for prayer by helping you maintain your focus as you pray. Volunteers create prayer beads, which are free. The beads are available in our Prayer Chapel on the third floor.

Prayer Chapel
prayer chapel

The Prayer Chapel is designed to help you honor the words from Psalm 46, “Be still and know that I am God.” The Prayer Chapel is located on the 3rd floor (room 302), and you’re invited to make use of it! The Chapel is focused on a rough-hewn cross made from reclaimed lumber from our own church property. Kneelers invite you to lower your position as you approach the cross. There are several comfortable seats to pause, spend time, reflect and pray. Gentle music sets a peaceful tone in which to seek — and encounter — God’s presence.

Prayer Ministry

Our Prayer Ministry exists to glorify God and to promote personal, local church and community prayer.

Church Staff Prayer

If you’d like a person on the church staff to pray for or with you, please call the church office, 770-475-5576, Monday-Thursday (9 a.m.-4 p.m.).

Email Prayer Team

This prayer team receives prayer requests through email and lifts them up to the Lord.


This group meets in room 308 and the Prayer Chapel on the fourth Thursday of each month to pray for the ministries, missions and leadership of the church.

To join Flamebearers, contact: Karen Barber.

Healing Ministry

All healing is of God. The Healing Ministry offers an opportunity to seek healing and wholeness of body, mind and spirit through prayer. When requested, healing prayer is available for you at the church, in your home, in hospital rooms, etc. Contact Rev. Terri Henkel.

Ride Ministry

The Ride Ministry helps members of the church family who are in need of assistance with transportation. For information, contact Congregational Care Associate Pastor Rev. Terri Henkel.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one caring ministry to help people who are experiencing a crisis or challenge such as divorce, grief, loss of job, hospitalization, relocation or loneliness. Alpharetta Methodist’s Stephen Ministry is a critical part of the church’s pastoral care ministry.

The Stephen Ministers are church members who have gone through 50 hours of training so they are equipped to provide high-quality, confidential Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.

When Stephen Ministers are assigned a care receiver, they call that person and begin meeting with him or her for about an hour every week. This caring relationship lasts for as long as the care receiver needs it. Everything the care receivers say to their Stephen Minister is kept confidential. Stephen Ministers don’t try to solve problems; rather, they listen, care, pray for and help the care receiver find his or her path to healing and wholeness.

Learn more about Stephen Ministry.

Do you need a Stephen Minister?

If you’re struggling through a difficult time in life — experiencing grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or some other life crisis — and wish to be matched with a care giver, please contact Congregational Care Associate Pastor Rev. Terri Henkel (770-475-5576).

Are you called to be a Stephen Minister?

If you have a gift for listening and caring, please consider serving as a Stephen Minister. Learn more here.