The assets in this general Endowment Fund are permanent, while the income they produce continues to fund missions and ministries of Alpharetta Methodist. Endowment gifts can be made at any time in any amount. Gifts to the Endowment Fund can be made from one’s estate plan. Many are made in honor or memory of an individual.

The Endowment Fund is administered by the Alpharetta Methodist Legacy Committee and is used to support: Missions (for missions in and beyond the local church and community); Building and Grounds (for maintenance, care, improvements and construction of physical facilities); General Operations (for special needs and ministries determined by the church leadership).

A special Named Endowment Fund can be established with an initial gift of at least $20,000.

Endowment Funds are invested with the Georgia United Methodist Foundation. The Foundation can provide counsel in helping you create a charitable gift, trust or annuity. For additional information, please contact Director of Finance and HR, Helen Cork

Your Giving Guide

YOUR GOAL: Defer a gift until after your lifetime

YOUR GIFT: Bequest in will

HOW TO GIVE: Name Alpharetta Methodist Church or a favored ministry in your will

YOUR BENEFITS: A donation exempt from federal estate taxes

YOUR GOAL: Make a large gift with little cost to yourself

YOUR GIFT: Life insurance gift

HOW TO GIVE: Give an old or new policy with Alpharetta Methodist Church or a favored ministry named as beneficiary

YOUR BENEFITS: Current income tax deduction; possible future deductions

YOUR GOAL: Avoid capital gains tax on the sale of a home or other real estate

YOUR GIFT: Real estate gift

HOW TO GIVE: Donate the property or sell it at a bargain price

YOUR BENEFITS: Immediate income tax deduction and avoidance of capital gains tax

YOUR GOAL: Avoid the twofold taxation on retirement plan assets

YOUR GIFT: Retirement plan gift

HOW TO GIVE: Name Alpharetta Methodist Church or your favored ministry as beneficiary of all or part of the remaining assets after your lifetime

YOUR BENEFITS: Avoidance of heavily taxed gift to heirs

YOUR GOAL: Give your personal residence or farm, but continue to live there

YOUR GIFT: Retained Life Estate

HOW TO GIVE: Designate the ownership of your home to your favored ministry, but retain occupancy

YOUR BENEFITS: Charitable income tax deduction and lifetime use of home

YOUR GOAL: Secure a fixed and often improved income

YOUR GIFT: Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

HOW TO GIVE: Create a charitable trust that pays you a set income annually

YOUR BENEFITS: Immediate income tax deduction and fixed income for life

YOUR GOAL: Create a hedge against inflation over the long term

YOUR GIFT: Charitable Remainder Unitrust

HOW TO GIVE: Create a trust that pays a percentage of the trust’s assets, valued annually

YOUR BENEFITS: Immediate income tax deduction, annual income for life that has potential to increase

YOUR GOAL: Supplement income with fixed annual payments

YOUR GIFT: Charitable Gift Annuity

HOW TO GIVE: Enter into a contract that pays you fixed payments annually

YOUR BENEFITS: Current and future savings on income taxes; fixed payments for life

YOUR GOAL: Reduce gift and estate taxes on assets passing on to heirs

YOUR GIFT: Charitable Lead Trust

HOW TO GIVE: Create a trust that pays a fixed or variable income to your favored ministry for a set term and then passes to heirs

YOUR BENEFITS: Reduced size of taxable estate; keeps property in family, often with reduced gift taxes

YOUR GOAL: Make a gift that allows flexibility and your input on how funds will be used

YOUR GIFT: Donor Advised Fund

HOW TO GIVE: Create an agreement where the Foundation manages assets, you suggest beneficiaries

YOUR BENEFITS: Immediate income tax deduction, option to provide input on how funds will be used