The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge and equip local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches and places of work.

Emmaus is a wonderful opportunity for Christian leaders who:
- Are members of a local church
- Have a desire to strengthen their spiritual lives
- Have unanswered questions about their faith
- Understand that being a Christian involves responsibility
- Are willing to dedicate their everyday lives to God

What is Walk to Emmaus?
The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day short course on Christianity that provides an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love are revealed through other believers. You’ll enjoy three days of singing, learning, laughing, worshiping, reflecting, praying and participating in small groups. You’ll learn about how God’s grace is real in your life, how to live a life of grace and how to share God’s grace with others. At the conclusion of the Walk to Emmaus, you’ll be equipped for new levels of grace-filled service and leadership.
Spiritual renewal continues long after the three-day Walk to Emmaus, as participants meet in small groups to support each other in their ongoing walk with Christ. These groups will nurture you as you expand your spiritual life through worship, study and participation in your local church. And they’ll encourage you to become a more active disciple of Christ in service to the world.
If you’re interested in participating in Walk to Emmaus at Alpharetta Methodist, please contact Rev. Terri Henkel

What is Face to Face Emmaus?
An adaptation of Walk to Emmaus, Face to Face is specifically crafted to meet the needs of older adults. Men and women, ages 60 and older, are invited to experience Jesus through a journey covering subjects such as discipleship, mission, grief and end-of-life issues. Face to Face’s flexible schedule allows participants the freedom to engage in structured Bible study and prayer in a church setting or other community space. Led by clergy and lay leaders, Face to Face is open to members of any Christian denomination who want to strengthen their spiritual lives, discover answers to their questions about faith, and are open to understanding the responsibility of living a Christian lifestyle.
Face to Face allows participants the opportunity to rediscover Christ’s presence in their life, gain fresh understanding of God’s transforming grace, and to form friendships that foster faith and support spiritual maturity. To learn more and enroll in Face to Face, please contact Jim Vournakis.

What is Chrysalis?
Chrysalis is a Walk to Emmaus for young people ages 15-24. During the three-day Chrysalis experience, you’ll build deeper friendships, make lasting relationships, grow as a disciple of Christ and develop into a more mature Christian leader.
For information about Chrysalis, for those who are ages 15-24, please contact Bud or Joy Manbeck.